Academic advisors wearing their Buckeye spirit wear and hold Buckeye paraphernalia.

Office of Academic Advising

Academic advisors are professional staff members dedicated to student success.


Academic Advising exists to help students explore and engage with their educational goals by providing relevant curricular and campus community information to empower students to reach their full potential. Through care and compassion, advisors collaborate with students and campus partners to foster inclusive environments.


Academic Advising will be an intentional, ongoing and holistic collaboration between students and advisors, responsive to the emerging needs of students to co-create plans to achieve lifelong, learning, success and citizenship.

What do Academic Advisors do?

Academic advisors are caring professionals with valuable information! They are full-time professionals working in partnership with students to help them complete a degree or an educational goal. Advisors can help you:

  • interpret placement test results and build an appropriate first-semester schedule
  • explore educational and career opportunities, set appropriate goals, and devise strategies for accomplishing those goals
  • understand the requirements of Ohio State majors
  • monitor your progress toward a degree
  • work through challenges by answering questions, providing support and connecting you to campus resources

Schedule an appointment

The advising office is currently meeting with students both in-person and remotely. You can schedule advising appointments:

1 Online

Visit or and select the blue "Schedule Appointment" button on the right side.

2 Call 740.366.9333

3 Visit us in Hodges Hall 1130

Other ways to meet with an advisor

Drop-in appointments are available three times per semester: the first week, fourth Friday and 10th Friday.

Attend an event:

  • Advising Around Campus: weekly drop-ins for quick questions and support
  • Scheduling Power Hours: designated drop-in hours for assistance scheduling classes for the next semester
  • Convocation: official welcome event for new Ohio State Newark students held the Monday before autumn semester
  • Major Exploration Fair: learn about majors, minors and certificates Ohio State offers at both the Newark and Columbus campus (autumn semester)
  • Campus Change Connections Fair: for students who plan to campus change to Columbus (spring semester)

Contact us

Louella Hodges Reese Hall 1130
1179 University Drive
Newark, Ohio 43055

Phone: 740.366.9333

Monday–Friday:  8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Find your advisor

Your academic advisor is assigned based on your major and last name. You will be assigned one of three clusters based on your major:

  • Cluster A: arts and humanities, biological sciences, exploration, social work, social and behavioral sciences
  • Cluster B: business, business-related, education
  • Cluster C: STEM, agricultural programs, health-related

You can view your current assigned advisor in My Buckeye Link in the box titled “Advisor” along the lower right side of the page or on your Advising Report. Schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor through OnCourse or by calling our office.

Director of Advising
College Credit Plus Advisor
Academic Advisor
Academic Advisor
Students Records Manager
Academic Advisor
Office Coordinator and Orientation/Placement Test Coordinator

Important resources and tools

As an Ohio State student, you have access to a variety of resources designed to help you succeed. Here’s how you can utilize these tools with the Academic Advising office:

  • OnCourse: Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor or view appointment notes after a meeting.
  • Buckeye Link: Manage your Ohio State student account by reviewing your to-do list, make tuition payments, check your class schedule, access your grades, find your advisor and more.
  • Registrar: View the academic course calendar for important dates and deadlines, order your transcript, get help submitting prior learning credits, access academic policy information and more.

Visit Current Students for information relating to on-campus activities and involvement, health and wellness initiatives, academic support, financial aid resources and more.