Submission requirements

Students of all disciplines conducting scholarship of any kind under the direction of an Ohio State Newark faculty member or lecturer may submit their work for presentation at the Student Research Forum.

21st Annual Student Research and Scholarship Forum

Forum date: March 25, 2025
Submission deadline: March 7, 2025

Submissions must contain the following: 

1 Abstract

Abstracts should be 400 words and provide a summary of what you plan to present in enough detail so that the reader can understand your work. The summary should be written for a non-scientist audience. 

You will need the first and last name of each author. 

You will need the title of your presentation.

2 Proposed or Completed Research Category Choice

  • The proposed scholarship category is for work that is in progress. This can be an idea for a project that you intend to complete or one that is almost complete but still needs more time.
  • The completed scholarship category is meant for research that has been finalized by the date of the research forum.

3 Type of Presentation

  • Poster sessions involve standing in front of your scholarship and describing it to interested parties as they pass by.
  • Giving a talk requires presenting your scholarship to an audience in the form of a 10-minute presentation with five minutes for audience questions. 

