Student conduct

The Office of Judicial Services is responsible for acting on behalf of the College/University in matters of student discipline. Judicial Services deal with alleged instances of behavioral misconduct and academic dishonesty, in order to determine how best to resolve these allegations consistent with the goals and mission of the College/University as an educational and intellectual community.

"Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts."



Student Judicial Services is chiefly responsible for the promotion of campus community standards. Judicial processes protect the rights of students as well as the programs, property and persons on the Newark campus. The judicial affairs process educates students about rights and responsibilities and provides students with information concerning conduct issues, judicial policies and non-academic discipline procedures. Detailed information related to the judicial processes for both The Ohio State University at Newark and Central Ohio Technical College can be found at their respective Code of Student Conduct links located on this page.

The Office of Judicial Services has twin goals: to help create a safe environment where academic life can flourish; and to promote the development of students.


Office of Student Life
Assistant Director
Office of Student Life

General Judicial Process

I received a letter in the mail, an email or a phone call asking me to contact the Office of Student Life. What does this mean?


It most likely means that an incident report containing your name has been filed with the Office of Student Life and that the report indicates that you may have been involved with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. You should follow the instructions in the message and set up a meeting with the appropriate case administrator (usually the Assistant Director of Student Life) as soon as possible. If the communication contains a specific date and time for a meeting, then you are required to appear for that meeting.

What are my options if it is alleged that I violated a policy?


Students can choose to resolve their judicial cases in one of two ways:

Administrative Resolution: Either an informal resolution or a formal hearing before an administrator will occur during which the student will respond to formal charges and will be allowed to produce relevant evidence and witnesses. The administrator hearing the case will then determine whether or not the student is responsible for the behavior. If the student is found responsible, the administrator will assign sanctions appropriate to the case.

Panel Hearing: A formal hearing before a panel of students, faculty and staff (Judicial Panel) will occur during which the student will respond to formal charges and will be allowed to produce relevant evidence and witnesses. The panel hearing the case will then determine whether or not the student is responsible for the behavior. If the student is found responsible, the panel will assign sanctions appropriate to the case.

Who can file a complaint or an incident report?


Anyone can file an incident report. Students simply need to document an incident with Safety and Security or speak with a staff member in the Office of Student Life.

Does double jeopardy apply? Can I go through the courts AND the College/University judicial system?


Double jeopardy does not apply since the College/University is dealing with violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the College's/University’s expectations of its students. Double jeopardy only applies when a person is twice tried and convicted for the same violation of law in a court of law. Therefore, a student may experience both the College/University judicial process AND off campus legal proceedings.

What happens if I choose not to respond to requests from the Office of Student Life to meet, choose not to appear for a scheduled meeting, or choose not to comply with a sanction?


If you don't make the appointment within the prescribed period of time or fail to appear for a scheduled appointment, the Office of Student Life may place a hold on your records and an additional violation of failing to comply could result. If you fail to appear for a scheduled hearing or meeting after formal charges have been issued, a decision may be made in your absence.

If you fail to comply with the terms of an assigned sanction, you can be charged with Failure to Comply and/or a hold may be placed on your record. The results of such a charge will most likely be more severe than the original sanction.

If I am involved in an incident off-campus, can the college/university take action against me?


If you were participating in an authorized or college/university-sponsored event or activity, then you are subject to the rules and regulations of the Code of Student Conduct. If the issue was not related to a college or university activity, The Ohio State University could assume jurisdiction for the off-campus behavior dependent on the severity of the issue.


What are sanctions and why are they levied?


Judicial sanctions are a type of penalty or restriction placed upon a student found to be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Typically, sanctions are designed to be educational and are intended to assist the student in making more effective decisions for themselves in the future. Sanctions should be commensurate with the violation(s) found to have occurred.

How do you determine sanctions?


Sanctions are determined using a variety of factors including the nature and severity of the violation, related circumstances, impact on the campus/community, past history, precedent, and educational value of the sanction.

What if I am already on probation and commit another violation?


Further violation of university policies during the probationary period will be viewed not only as the act itself, but also as a violation of the probation, which could result in, suspension or dismissal. Thus, you should be extremely thoughtful about your behavior and should make every effort to avoid future violations. To that end, you should take time to familiarize yourself with the Student Code of Conduct as it is listed in the Student Handbook.

Confidentiality and notification

Besides myself, who else is notified about me involvement in the judicial process?


The College/University Judicial system is based on confidentiality, however, parents and/or spouse may potentially be notified. Students waive their right to privacy to allow release of information to anyone. The College/University can choose to notify parents even when a student has requested that it not do so, but only in specific and extenuating circumstances. Regardless of the above, we encourage students to discuss their behavior and the related consequences with their loved ones. It is all part of having a mature, honest, adult relationship.

If you have given us permission to notify anyone, they will receive a copy of the outcome a few days after your case is resolved.

I want continue in higher education. Will potential schools find out about my disciplinary history?


Possibly – Some undergraduate institutions solicit this information. Most graduate, law, and medical schools request information about a student's disciplinary history. Students who are sanctioned with any form of separation from the College/University will have a permanent judicial file at the College/University. Students who are assigned a sanction less than suspension will have a judicial file until a prescribed time.

Keep in mind that your disciplinary history may or may not affect your admission. You will want to discuss your history with the admissions staff of the potential schools if you are concerned.

I was involved with an issue in the Newark Residence Hall; could this be reported to the Office of Student Life?


Yes, at the discretion of the Newark Housing Coordinator and the Office of Student Life.


Can I appeal the outcome of my informal resolution or hearing? If so, who hears the appeal?


All students found responsible for a violation have the right to appeal. All appeals must be submitted to the appropriate appellate authority in writing within ten calendar days after the written decision is forwarded.

Will I have the opportunity to talk with the person or committee that reviews my appeal?


In general, the student's written appeal and the case record are reviewed by the appeals officer/board, and the student will not be asked to appear.