Student employment pay chart

Unusual departure from these rates can be discussed with the student employment coordinator/manager liaison. Final approval will be required from the Ohio State Newark Dean and Director.

Level 1: $13.00

Entry-level positions requiring basic skills; performs routine tasks, operates simple equipment and exercises very little independent decision-making responsibilities; skills may be attained through on-the-job training; no previous work experience or course work required. This falls into the S01 Grade on Ohio State's chart.

Level 2: $13.50

Requires basic skills acquired through some previous work experience, training and/or completion of related coursework; responsibilities may require the application of basic organizational and/or more technical knowledge; operates and is accountable for more complex equipment; exercises some independent decision-making. This falls into the S01 Grade on Ohio State’s chart.

Level 3: $13.65

Considerable work experience and/or completion of related coursework; moderately developed skills; responsibilities may include data analysis, independent supervision or coordination of program or projects involving complex equipment; may include day-to-day supervision of other student employees and independent decision making. This falls into the S02 Grade on Ohio State's chart.

Effective June 30, 2024