Disordered eating quiz

Do I have a problem with my body?

I rarely talk negatively about my body.

I do not weigh myself more than once a week.

If appearance did not matter in our society, I would still exercise the same amount I do now.

I rarely compare my looks or body to others.

I rarely feel guilty or anxious after eating high-fat food.

I can accept a compliment about my appearance.

If I had to do things that were unhealthy (fasting, taking laxatives, throwing up) in order to change my weight, I would choose not to do those things.

I feel happy or content, for the most part, with my life at this time.

I wouldn’t panic if I gained a few pounds.

I am satisfied with my current body shape and size.

# True

8-10: You seem satisfied with your body. Be a role model for others.

4-7: You may be a little too self-critical. Get more information by setting an appointment with the personal mental health counselor, 740-364-9578, Warner Center 226.

0-3: We encourage you to work toward a more positive body image. Arrange for an appointment with the Personal Mental Health Counselor, 740-364-9578, Warner Center 226.

Do I have a problem with food?

I am truthful about what I eat.

I feel in control of myself if I restrict the amount of calories, food and/or fat I eat.

I spend a lot of time worrying about food and fat.

I often feel anxious or guilty after I eat food that is high in fat.

I go on eating binges and don’t stop eating until I feel sick.

I would rather die than be fat.

I feel fat even though people tell me that I’m thin.

I believe that being in control of my food shows others that I am in control of my life.

I have a secret stash of food.

If I eat something “bad,” I compensate by trying to exercise the calories away.

I have taken laxatives or forced myself to vomit after eating.

I won’t admit it to anyone, but sometimes I think that my eating or exercising is not normal.

# True

1-3: You have some preoccupation with food and eating. Get more information about healthy eating and weight change. The Personal Mental Health Counselor’s office, 740-366-9464, in WC 226 is a good place to start.

4-6: There is reason for concern. Check with your Personal Mental Health Counselor at 740-366-9464 or visit her in WC 226 and share your situation. Recommendations will be given.

Over 6: You are greatly jeopardizing your physical and/or psychological health. Qualified, compassionate help is available. Call your Personal Mental Health Counselor at 740-366-9464, WC 226 as soon as possible. For a medical evaluation, contact your family doctor or Health Care Center.