Emergency Grant Program

What is the Emergency Grant Program?

The Emergency Grant Program at Ohio State Newark is a limited fund, which allows for assistance to students with unusual and unexpected temporary emergencies. Emergency grant funds may not be used for tuition, fees and most educational expenses. While the typical amount awarded is $500, the maximum amount of assistance is subject to available funds and the decision of the emergency grant review committee.

How do I apply for an emergency grant?

To apply, complete the grant application and submit with supporting documentation. In general, applications will not be considered without third-party documentation (i.e., estimate of car repairs, utility shut off notice, eviction notice etc.). Applications must be submitted directly to Student Financial Services.

Who is eligible to apply for an Emergency Grant?

  • Applicants who can provide documentation that funds are needed for an emergency.
  • Applicants enrolled at least six credit hours on the Newark Campus the term the grant is requested. (Students enrolled in courses in Newark and another campus in the same term must have most of their hours at Newark.) NOTE: Emergency Grants are not awarded/disbursed during breaks between terms or during a term in which the student is not enrolled at least six credit hours.
  • Applicants must be meeting SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress)
  • In most cases, applicants must have a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file for the current year.
  • Applicants must have a zero balance for the current term statement of account.

What are the terms of an emergency grant?

The emergency grant is a grant that does not have to be repaid. However, if at some time you find yourself in a position to “repay” the grant it will be to the benefit of future students in need. Second applications for the emergency grant will only be considered in highly unusual circumstances.