Enjoy the experience of interacting with college instructors and students and attend classes on a noncredit/non-degree basis. Classes in Program 60 are on a space-available-only basis. Your life experiences will add much to classroom discussions.
Learning for Fun
There are no required assignments for Program 60 participants and you are not required to purchase books and supplies. However if the course has a course/lab fee, you will be required to pay that fee. You do not take exams or write papers unless you would like to do so. We do, however, encourage you to participate in class discussions.
Some courses are more difficult to get into than others. Painting and writing courses often do not have available spaces and laboratory courses are sometimes closed. We will help you find a course that matches your interests but do not hesitate to try something new!
Taking classes at The Ohio State University at Newark through Program 60 can be stimulating and enjoyable. You decide how much or how little you want to do. If there wasn’t time to continue your education in the past, Program 60 is the perfect opportunity to do so now!