Ideal path of a psychology major
Take Psych 1100; a course from core area B, C, or D; begin math sequence including 2220 prerequisites and other general education requirements (GEs)
Apply for Newark Honors in fall (based on eligibility); then email to apply to Arts and Sciences Honors and Dr. Paulsen ( to complete your Psych Honors course plan
Get involved in Psychology Club
Start keeping track of all activities and accomplishments on a resume or vita
Start talking to faculty about getting involved as a research assistant
Start exploring career options for after graduation
Apply for Newark psychology scholarships
Take Psych 2220 and 2300; courses from core area A, B, C and D; and GEs
Continue Psychology Club involvement
Start thinking about graduate school or other career path options
Start working as a research assistant in a faculty lab (Psych 4998; positions are limited)
Apply for Newark psychology scholarships
Finish all core area courses; Psych 3321 (for BS, offered every other spring); start advanced courses including sequenced course; and finish GEs
Continue working as a research assistant
Present research (poster) at local, regional or national forum
Communicate with faculty member early on if you are interested in completing a thesis (Honors or regular; Psych 4999) which you should start this spring
Consider completing an internship (Psych 3191, based on eligibility) or volunteering to explore careers
Potential Psi Chi Membership (based on eligibility) and leadership role in Psychology Club
Start researching graduate programs and prepare to take the GRE over the summer
Apply for Newark psychology scholarships
Complete advanced courses; Psych 3321 (for BS, course offered every other spring) and advanced research course 4510 or 4520 (for BS); and take electives
Complete thesis project and present own research poster at local, regional or national forums
Consider completing an internship (Psych 3191, based on eligibility) or volunteering to explore careers
Apply to graduate programs (many have fall or early winter deadlines) or post-graduate employment
Leadership role in Psi Chi or Psychology Club
Apply for Newark psychology scholarships
Graduate in spring