Universal changing tables, sometimes called adult changing tables, can benefit anyone who needs assistance with personal care, including people with disabilities, senior citizens and veterans.
Over the past few years, the state of Ohio has prioritized the installation of universal changing tables in public spaces to allow those who need them to spend more time in the community and meet their care needs with dignity.
LCBDD secured American Rescue Act funds from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities in 2024 to provide more accessible restroom options in Licking County. The universal changing table on the Newark campus was one of eight tables purchased and installed for local partners.
"We are incredibly grateful to be the recipient of American Rescue Plan Act funding and to have service providers and community organizations willing to partner with us to support efforts to advance accessibility for the residents and visitors of Licking County,” said Angie Finck, chief operations officer at LCBDD.
The Changing Spaces campaign maintains a national universal changing table map so that anyone in need of a table can search for one near them. The Newark campus table will be added to the map and will be available to anyone who needs it during Hopewell Hall’s hours of operation.
COTC President John M. Berry, PhD, and Ohio State Newark Dean and Director Matt M. Smith, PhD, say this addition to the campus enhances the accessibility services provided by the campus to people with disabilities, and are thankful to LCBDD for their efforts in bringing this project to fruition.
For more information about universal changing tables, visit the Ohio Chapter of the Changing Spaces Campaign’s website.