Experiential learning

What is an Internship?


Internships are work-related learning opportunities that provide students with the chance to gain important knowledge and skills through experiences that may or may not be directly related to their academic study. Internships should have clearly defined learning objectives related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework. An internship provides exposure to career fields of interest without requiring a permanent commitment.

How will an internship benefit me?

  • Gain marketable work experience
  • Improve work and social skills
  • Explore career options
  • Enhance your resume
  • Promote contacts through networking
  • Boost job offers after graduation
  • Prepare yourself for a smoother transition into the workforce

General guidelines and eligibility requirements

Students conducting an internship or other experiential learning experience for academic credit should confer with their academic or faculty advisor to ensure they meet the policies, guidelines and accompanying responsibilities established for that course. Viewed broadly, students must be in good academic standing as determined by their institution and/or program of study and not be in violation of the institution’s Student Code of Conduct.

How to find an internship

  • Visit our electronic job board powered by Buckeye Careers Network. Once registered, you can post your resume and search for internship opportunities. 
  • Review the internships posted on the physical job boards located in the Warner Center and Hopewell Hall.
  • Contact the Office of Career Development & Experiential Learning.
  • Speak to your instructors, current supervisors and other professional contacts.

General internship agreement (non-credit-bearing)

Every student participating in a non-credit-bearing internship must provide documentation prior to the start of the experience. The internship agreement should be reviewed and signed by:

  • participating student
  • internship/experience site supervisor
  • Office of Career Development

You should return the completed form with an internship position description to the Office of Career Development located in Warner 226.

How to get the most out of your internship

  • Show initiative; employers will notice.
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude and strong work ethic.
  • Enthusiastically embrace opportunities to take on additional responsibilities.
  • Be professional in dress, timeliness and preparation.
  • Do not be afraid to say, “I don’t know how, but I’d like to learn.”
  • Pay attention to the organization’s policies, procedures and expectations.
  • If you are going to be absent or late, notify your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Treat your internship experience as if it were a professional position.

For more information